Twin sheet thermoforming from Gregstrom means strong but lightweight plastic parts that are hollow in the middle and detailed on both sides. Ask Gregstrom about twin sheet forming for your structural components and other custom twin sheet parts.
Twin sheet thermoforming services from Gregstrom create strong but lightweight structural parts that are hollow, detailed, and sometimes made of dissimilar materials. A type of thermoforming, twin sheet forming heats two plastic sheets simultaneously. Vacuum pressure draws each sheet to separate tools which then fuse together via high pressure. The result is a twin sheet part that’s attractive, structurally rigid, and detailed on both sides.
Twin Sheet Thermoforming vs. Rotational Molding
Twin sheet thermoforming is faster than rotational molding; however, tooling for twin sheet forming tends to be more expensive. Both processes promote part quality, but thermoforming supports more material options and tighter tolerances with sharp detail. As an experienced heavy-gauge thermoformer and custom rotomolder, Gregstrom can recommend the right molding or forming technique for your plastic parts.
Advantages of Twin Sheet Forming
Twin sheet parts from Gregstrom are more than just strong, hollow, detailed and lightweight. The parts we form can be made of dissimilar materials. For example, the plastic door to a medical device can use a thicker sheet on the outside for stability and a thinner sheet on the inside for rigidity. We can also create twin sheet parts made from plastic sheets with different thicknesses or colors.
Twin Sheet Thermoforming for Plastics
Gregstrom uses twin sheet forming services to produce structural components for hollow-formed products such as business equipment panels and the medical instrument housings shown in our portfolio. Ask about our experience with forming twin sheet parts, and how we can tackle projects with multiple materials, colors or textures.
Made in the USA Twin Sheet Thermoforming
For nearly 70 years, Gregstrom Corporation has been forming and molding plastics at our Made in the USA manufacturing facilities in Massachusetts. To learn how our plastic contract manufacturing services can add value to your application, contact us on-line or call (781) 935-6600.